It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Dear Families,

We can’t believe we are already nearing the end of the year! With the start of December, comes a lot of excitement and anticipation throughout our school. We are looking forward to a jolly month ahead!


With colder days ahead, we will still aim to get our students outdoors at least once a day to get some fresh air to strengthen the immune system. Please make sure your child comes to school with layers, gloves and a hat! If you have not already done so, please send in an extra pair of labeled gloves (mittens for the little ones) and a hat to keep at school.

2024-2025 School Year

Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about the 2024-2025 school year! Those of you who plan on returning to our school next year should plan to register as soon as possible to ensure preferred placement. Please return the re-enrollment form by December 19th to ensure placement for the upcoming school year.

Giving Back to our community through One Warm Coat Drive

We are excited to announce that from December 1st through December 19th, we will be hosting a coat drive with the aim of making this winter warmer for those in need. Our goal is to collect 50 gently used coats to donate to the "One Warm Coat" organization. As the temperatures drop, let's come together as a community to make a difference and spread some warmth. Please consider contributing to this worthy cause by donating your gently used coats to our collection point at the school. Your generosity can make a significant impact in keeping others cozy during the chilly months ahead. Thank you for your support and kindness.

Holiday Party

Our annual Holiday Party will be on December 15th at 12:00pm. All students are invited to attend on this day. Please drop your child off by 10:00am if you would like them to participate in our surprise visit from Santa as well!

We are delighted to announce that our school will be hosting an international holiday party this year, and we invite you and your students to join in the festive celebration. To make this event truly special and reflective of the rich diversity within our school community, we encourage students to bring a dish to the party that holds significance in their culture or represents a cherished family tradition. We believe that this culinary exchange will not only showcase the vibrant tapestry of our student body but also provide a unique opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding. In addition to the dish, students and their families are welcome to create a postcard explaining the cultural or familial significance of their chosen culinary delight. Let's come together to make this holiday season a time of shared joy, cultural appreciation, and delicious memories.

Important Dates

December 15th- Holiday Party for all classrooms 12:00pm

December 19th- Re-enrollment forms due to the office

December 20th- January 2nd - Winter Holiday (School Closed)

January 3rd- School Reopens

January 10th- Enrollment for the 2024/ 2025 opens to the public

January 15th- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- School Closed

Warm Holiday Wishes,

Rollingwood Academy

Evelyn Paddack